We are writing to tell you about our new blog, GenealogyandFamilyHistory.com. We hope you will check it out soon.
So why another genealogy blog, you may already be asking? Our purpose is to showcase our authors and their books/CDs and encourage you to contribute your own ideas and comments--it's that simple. As we say in our mission statement, "With 50 years of experience in the field, Genealogical.com will use its blog to inform researchers at all levels and to promote dialog about a variety of topics including resources, techniques, and items of current interest. We’ll provide an inside look into the world of genealogical publishing through interviews with authors and dialogs with senior members of our publishing companies. We’ll also post excerpts from our publications ..., so there will always be something for you to read about."
The first blog article entitled “The Small World of the 17th Century" is now up running. We hope to post new articles approximately once a week. You will also find postings for upcoming speaking engagements by our authors, links to other blogs, and more items as time and space dictate. We hope that you will become a regular visitor and invite you to participate with us freely and frequently. To access the blog, follow this link: http://genealogyandfamilyhistory.com/ .
Your friends at Genealogical.com
http://www.genealogical.com/ is the online home of Genealogical Publishing Company and its affiliate, Clearfield Company. For general information about our companies and their products, e-mail us at info@genealogical.com . To order on-line, you may e-mail us at sales@genealogical.com.
Welcome to the Family Roots and Branches Genealogy Blogspot. This site is devoted genealogical hints, tricks, tips and news for family historians. You will also find info on genealogy classes and meetings here in western North Carolina. This blog is run by Larry and Gayle Van Horn and you can reach us via email at familyhistorian at frontier dot com. Copyright 2006-2023 by Family Roots and Branches, a division of Teak Publishing.