FTDNA has updated their myOrgins ethnicity estimates for people who have posted autosomal DNA results to their site according to Roberta Estes on her DNAsXplained blog.
Not only are the ethnicity percentages updated, sometimes significantly, but so are the clusters and the user interface.
Because of the new clusters and reference populations, the entire data base has been rerun. In essence, this isn’t just an update, but an entirely new version of myOrigins.
New Population Clusters
The updated version of myOrigins includes 24 reference populations, an increase of 6 from the previous 18 clusters.
The new clusters are:
- East Central Africa
- West Africa
- South Central Africa
- South Central Asia
- Oceania
- Central Asia
- Northeast Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Siberia
- West and Central Europe
- East Europe
- Iberia
- Southeast Europe
- British Isles
- Finland
- Scandinavia
- Sephardic Diaspora
- Ashkenazi Diaspora
- East Middle East
- West Middle East
- Asia Minor
- North Africa
- North and Central America
- South and Central America
See the full story on Roberta's blog at https://dna-explained.com/2017/04/04/family-tree-dna-myorigins-ethnicity-update-no-april-foolin/