Genealogy Reference Library

Friday, July 3, 2020

Bad News: SB 372 Passes Georgia’s Legislature

Article courtesy of the Dick Eastman newletter. The following was written by Jan Meisels Allen, Chairperson of the IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee:
On June 18, 2020, the Georgia House of Representatives passed SB 372 by a vote of 157 to 2. In March, the bill passed the Senate by a vote of 52-0. Despite letters from the genealogical community to House Committee and leadership the Georgia Legislature seemed unwavering in their determination to enact a provision in their public health and modernization bill with the NAPHSIS advocated embargo periods. The bill changes the birth records embargo from 100 years to 125 years and death, marriage and divorce records from 75 years to 100 years.
To read the bill see: See: Section 5 line 140
The governor only has a line-item veto on budget issues: “The authority of Georgia’s governor to veto specific line item expenditures in appropriation acts while approving the remainder of the act. An item veto can only be used for appropriations and is overridden in the same manner as an ordinary veto.”
Another state with absolute ignorance of genealogy research. So moving birth records to 125 years gets you what in the way of identity thief security? Oh yea, nothing. ditto on death, marriage and divorce records now out to 100 years. Almost as stupid as the Oklahoma legislature passing a law saying the only person that could request a death certificate was, wait for it, the deceased. Politicians have to be the dumbest and most corrupt group of people on the planet.