Genealogy Reference Library

Monday, August 22, 2016

Fall TCCC Genealogy Classes Schedule Changes

OK, when you do a class schedule a year in advance, there is bound to be changes. Since TCCC has not widely promulgated those changes, I will do that here for my local friends. I will also be posting this to my Family Roots and Branches blog. and the local newsgroup.

Change 1 - The Tuesday night class Searching for Your Ancestors - which is my revamped beginner/intermediate class will now start on 30 Aug and we will be in the lecture hall in Enloe. Final determination on a 12 or 13 week class will be determined on the first night by how many have signed up. If you haven't taken this course, I promise it is well worth your time. You won't find anything else like it anywhere close. It is primarily an intermediate genealogy class designed to do family history research in the 21st Century.

Genealogy – Searching for Your Ancestors

Who am I and where did I come from? It's that intriguing question that has made genealogy research one of America's most popular hobbies. But where does one begin such research? What resources exist? How can you prove that what you find is true and valid? How do you go beyond America's borders to find roots in other English speaking nations? This "new" TCCC genealogy course - Searching for your Ancestors - offers the beginner and experienced genealogist alike a fresh approach to genealogy research. Subjects cover the full gambit from organizing your research to exploring your family history using traditional and electronic research, social media, and our newest tool DNA testing. Whether you are new to genealogy or have been family hunting since microfilm days, this course will assist you in researching your family in the 21st century. This beginner/intermediate course is a prerequisite for advanced genealogy courses offered at TCCC.

Change 2 - The female ancestor day class didn't make, but neither has the Thursday night DNA class. So I'm going to make a change and offering the Researching Your Female Ancestors on Thursday night starting Sep1 at 6:30pm. I do believe we will also be in the Enloe lecture hall. And for those who were signed up for DNA, I invite you to take this one.

Genealogy – Discovering Your Female Ancestors

This course introduces the student to special strategies and uncommon resources needed to research female lines in their family genealogies. Students learn about genealogical sources created by and about women, and methods they can use to learn the maiden name and parents of our female ancestors. This course is for advanced genealogy students only.

Please pass the word along and let you genealogy friends know of these changes. maybe we will have some new faces in the Tuesday night class (and some old ones as well) and hopefully things will go smoother next week than it has this week.