Genealogy Reference Library

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

United States Military Campaigns, Conflicts, Expeditions, and Wars Chart

Several years ago I published a chronological reference for military researchers of known military campaigns, conflicts, expeditions and wars that colonial Americans, U.S. military and state militia forces have been involved in.

This was a very popular reference. Now I have posted an updated version of this reference to the pages section of this blog so it will be easier for me to update.

If you do not know if your ancestor served in the military, the year of birth may indicate the possibility. Most people who were in the military were between 18 and 30 years of age. Use our exclusive war chronology to see if your ancestor could have served during wartime.  Websites may freely link to this page without permission.  This reference is now permanently linked to this URL: As always any additions, corrections and updates are always appreciated to the email address in the masthead. Watch the pages section of this blog for future genealogy reference material.