Genealogy Reference Library

Friday, August 1, 2014

More Ancestry Tree Insanity

There are times I wish I could scope up all the genealogist of the world and make it mandatory that they go to my classes before they ever post or click on an Ancestry tree. While working some DNA results this afternoon and cleaning out some links, I found this little bit of genealogical insanity below.

That is a pretty good trick for Daniel Jennings b. 1816 to have a daughter Elizabeth Jennings born in 1676. Come on folks, this isn't a clicking contest here. We are suppose to be doing genealogy research not having a contest to see who can "run up the most number of people in my family tree." 
Bad part about above, more than a dozen "researchers" (sic) clicked and picked up the same data in their trees. Nuff said, I'm off my gen soapbox (for now).