Genealogy Reference Library

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ancestry Issues Continue

Those of you who have followed this blog for any length of time know that I have a love hate relationship with In the nearly 14 years I have been a member it seems like things run along well then ... boom ... all hell breaks loose. While I am well aware of the DDOS issues that recently hit Ancestry, this isn't part of that problem. This has been a long term issue that I have repeatedly addressed and have heard nothing, nada, not even a peep. So I filed another feedback this afternoon and promised them I would also be posting it here so let's see if I hear back (bet you a dozen Georgia lottery tickets I won't).

From my feedback to Ancestry -

I have seen this before your DDOS issues so I am confident that your recent DDOS attack has nothing to do with this feedback. It has never been fully explained how initiating a surname and location search from the DNA match page is suppose to work and I have asked this question before with no one at Ancestry being able or willing to answer. But if I use both the surname and location searches to narrow things down (e.g. Smith, Virginia USA), here lately after doing such a search and looking at a match or two, I consistently get the message "Trees unavailable" message when I go back to the match page with both surname and location still selected. This is very very frustrating and its does it regardless of the browser I use (IE11 compatibility on/off, Firefox or Chrome). If I clear the search parameters and return to the matches pages the trees come back and display as normal. Initiate another search such as surname only and it also works fine. Initiate surname and location and after viewing a match or two the error message mentioned above comes back. So can someone at Ancestry please address this. Exactly how is the surname/location search function on the DNA matches page work and is it in fact broken? Is the surname/location search function together an AND/OR function or are they in fact separate? I will be posting this to my general genealogy blog so I really expect someone to provide and answer about what is really going on here."

We shall see what we shall see. I will let my readers know if I here anything.