Genealogy Reference Library

Friday, March 22, 2013

New Pricing for AncestryDNA Test Announced/FTDNA 12 Y-DNA On Sale CEO Tim Sullivan announced this morning during the RootsTech 2013 Friday keynote address in Salt Lake that the new fixed price for their AncestryDNA autosomal test will now be $99 for both subscribers an non-subscribers alike. If you have not taken the plunge yet, now money will not be an excuse. This is the best price around for a 700,000 plus SNP autosomal DNA test.
In a related story FTDNA has a sale on for their 12 marker Y-DNA test, currently set at $39. IMHO don't waste the funds gents. A 12 marker testvwill not advance anything in your genealogy research other than give you an indication of your haplogroup (ethnic ancestry on your surname line only).
What they need to do is drop the rpice of their Family Finder DNA tet to match Ancestry. Now that would be something I would jump on.