Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Social Security Death Index and Ordering SS-5 Copies Online

This genealogy tip by Joan Young is courtesy of the Rootsweb Review 12 May 2010 Vol. 13 No. 5.

My August 2008 article covered using RootsWeb's Social Security Death Index (SSDI) database. As a follow-up to my article I want to share a little more about the SSDI.

The article explained the procedure for ordering copies of the original SS-5 by mail. While the form that generates a request letter is still available on RootsWeb's SSDI page, the Social Security Administration now has an online order process which promises a much faster turn-around time and greater ease of ordering via credit card.

The online order form is located on a secure server on the SSA Web site. Both a photocopy of the original SS-5 or a computer extract called a "numident" may be ordered. As a rule, genealogists use an SS-5 because they want to learn the place of birth and/or the parents' names of the deceased account holder. The computer extract would usually not provide parents' names, so it would be of little value for genealogists if this is the information you are seeking.

Information obtained from the Social Security Administration based upon the SSDI is subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which applies to deceased individuals. You can find the FOIA guidelines here. In some cases, the Privacy Act may also apply. Information covered under the Privacy Act is discussed here. The Privacy Act covers the living as well as those individuals who may be presumed by the SSA to still be living.

The individuals found in the SSDI at RootsWeb are deceased; however, the parents who are identified on the SS-5 copy may still be living. The SSA will not release the parents' names unless the parents are proven to be deceased (you would be required to submit proof of death) or, based upon the information included in the SS-5, it could be presumed that the parents would currently be one hundred and twenty (or more) years old. This is the cut-off age the SSA uses at present when processing FOIA requests when there is no actual proof that a named individual is deceased.

Keeping the above guidelines in mind will be helpful in deciding whether it would be worthwhile to request an SS-5 copy from the SSA. You will also be able to avoid needlessly paying for information that the SSA may not divulge under The Privacy Act. If the wage earner on the account would currently be under one hundred years of age the SSA is unlikely to release parental information where there is no proof of death on file for the parents.

Additional information in using the RootsWeb SSDI can also be found here:

Monday, May 3, 2010

FamilySearch - Over 300 Million New Names Added Online

There were over 150 new collections added or enhanced this week at FamilySearch volunteers indexed over 120 million records—over 300 million new names—from original source documents to accomplish this great feat. The massive release was announced this past week at the National Genealogical Society annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The records can be found at FamilySearch’s Record Search pilot (, click Search Records, and then click Record Search pilot) or

See below for the complete list of all the newly added or improved collections.

Collection Name Time Frame Records Indexed

Argentina Baptisms, 1645—1930 4,209,653
Argentina Marriages, 1722—1911 150,895
Australia Deaths and Burials, 1816—1980 106,767
Austria Births and Baptisms, 1651—1940 88,885
Austria Burials, 1768 – 1918 31,756
Austria Marriages, 1722 — 1898 25,383
Bahamas Births, 1550—1891 53,476
Barbados Baptisms, 1739—1891 222,010
Barbados Burials, 1854—1885 92,226
Barbados Marriages, 1854—1879 15,666
Belgium Births and Baptisms, 1560—1890 354,038
Belgium Deaths and Burials, 1564—1900 67,182
Brazil Baptisms, 1688—1935 3,597,609
Brazil Deaths, 1750—1890 43,931
Brazil Marriages, 1730—1955 475,107
Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661—1959 2,160,243
Canada Deaths and Burials, 1664—1955 101,189
Canada Marriages, 1661—1949 262,982
- British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872—1986 928,851
- British Columbia Marriage Registrations, 1859—1932 124,593
- New Brunswick Births, 1819—1899 25,414
- Nova Scotia Births, 1702—1896 125,791
- Nova Scotia Marriages, 1711—1909 32,245
- Ontario Births, 1779—1899 455,469
- Ontario Marriages, 1800—1910 28,574
- Quebec Births, 1662—1898 27,212
Caribbean Births, 1590—1928 438,073
Caribbean Deaths, 1790—1906 13,088
Caribbean Marriages, 1591—1905 88,186
Costa Rica Baptisms, 1700—1915 176,574
Costa Rica Deaths, 1787—1900 31,505
Costa Rica Marriages, 1750—1920 57,849
Czech Republic Births, 1637—1889 33,062
Czech Republic Marriages, 1654—1889 12,698
Dominican Republic Baptisms, 1726—1924 114,209
Dominican Republic Deaths, 1666—1862 14,636
Dominican Republic Marriages, 1743—1929 31,992
Ecuador Baptisms, 1680—1930 593,710
Ecuador Deaths, 1800—1920 43,852
Ecuador Marriages, 1680—1930 271,061
El Salvador Baptisms, 1750—1940 218,500
El Salvador Marriages, 1810—1930 28,162
France Deaths and Burials, 1546—1960 347,368
France Marriages, 1546—1924 1,397,204
Germany Births and Baptisms, 1558—1898 33,749,332
Gibraltar Marriages, 1879—1918 2,201
Gibraltar Births and Baptisms, 1704—1876 30,515
Great Britain Deaths and Burials, 1778—1988 69,278
Great Britain Marriages, 1797—1988 22,036
- Channel Islands Births and Baptisms, 1820—1907 41,647
- Isle of Man Births and Baptisms, 1821—1911 224,489
- Isle of Man Deaths and Burials, 1844—1911 42,389
- Isle of Man Marriages, 1849—1911 42,662
- Wales, Births and Baptisms, 1586—1907 773,392
- Wales, Deaths and Burials, 1586—1885 15,109
- Wales, Marriages, 1541—1900 39,630
Grenada Births and Baptisms, 1866—1891 33,239
Guatemala Baptisms, 1730—1917 466,223
Guatemala Deaths, 1760—1880 20,921
Guatemala Marriages, 1750—1930 112,610
Honduras Baptisms, 1730—1930 220,317
Honduras Marriages, 1800—1910 31,686
Hungary Baptisms, 1734—1895 14,210
Iceland Marriages, 1770—1920 42,954
India Births and Baptisms, 1800—1945 887,579
India Deaths and Burials, 1800—1945 566,529
India Marriages, 1800—1945 203,970
Ireland Deaths, 1864—1870 51,249
Italy Births and Baptisms, 1806—1900 1,940,693
Italy Deaths and Burials, 1809—1900 438,494
Jamaica Births and Baptisms, 1752—1920 331,497
Luxembourg Births, 1662—1840 7,835
Luxembourg Deaths, 1702—1798 1,554
Luxembourg Marriages, 1700—1810 1471
Mexico Deaths, 1680—1940 362,067
Mexico Marriages, 1570—1950 6,232,176
Panama Baptisms, 1750—1938 269,054
Panama Deaths, 1840—1930 21,463
Panama Marriages, 1800—1950 39,839
Paraguay Baptisms, 1800—1930 101,337
Paraguay Marriages, 1800—1900 14,400
Peru Baptisms, 1556—1930 4,013,461
Peru Deaths, 1750—1930 101,257
Peru Marriages, 1600—1940 443,248
Philippines Births and Baptisms, 1642—1994 334,139
Philippines Deaths and Burials, 1726—1957 5,128,622
Philippines Marriages, 1723—1957 2,247,381
Portugal Baptisms, 1570—1910 424,354
Portugal Deaths, 1640—1910 100,234
Portugal Marriages, 1670—1910 59,735
Russia Births and Baptisms, 1755—1917 170,844
Russia Deaths and Burials, 1815—1917 100,647
Russia Marriages, 1793—1919 33,559
Samoa Baptisms, 1863—1940 28,013
Samoa Burials, 1895—1970 42,061
Spain Deaths, 1600—1920 186,259
Sweden Baptisms, 1611—1920 9,280,828
Sweden Burials, 1649-1920 1,207,501
Sweden Marriages, 1630-1920 2,243,064
Switzerland Baptisms, 1491-1940 1,001,685
Switzerland Burials, 1613-1875 138,011
Switzerland Marriages, 1532-1910 268,739
Switzerland, Basel City Church Books, 1380-1917 Images Only
Switzerland, Schaffhausen Genealogies and City Directories, 1460-1952 Images Only
Ukraine, Births and Baptisms 14,166
Uruguay Marriages, 1840—1900 19,810
United States 1910 Federal Census (AZ, CA, DE, FL) 4,078,117
United States Births, 1867—1931 20,946
United States Deaths, 1867—1961 3,705
United States Marriages, 1733—1990 7,176
- Arizona Births and Christenings, 1909—1917 27,483
- Arizona Deaths, 1910—1911; 1993—1994 10,168
- Arizona Marriages, 1888—1908 75,094
- Arkansas Births and Christenings, 1880—1893 11,724
- Arkansas Deaths and Burials, 1882—1929; 1945—1963 38,956
- Arkansas Marriages, 1837—1944 1,005,608
- Delaware Births and Christenings, 1710—1896 30,298
- Delaware Deaths and Burials, 1815—1955 209,592
- Delaware Marriages, 1713—1953 70,024
- District of Columbia Births and Christenings, 1830—1955 121,224
- District of Columbia Deaths and Burials, 1840—1964 372,173
- District of Columbia Marriages, 1830—1921 242,760
- Florida Births and Christenings, 1880—1935 28,301
- Florida Deaths and Burials, 1900—1921 24,800
- Florida Marriages, 1837—1974 860,110
- Hawaii Births and Christenings, 1852—1933 150,992
- Hawaii Deaths and Burials, 1862—1919 105,519
- Hawaii Marriages, 1826—1922 103,871
- Idaho Births and Christenings, 1856—1965 75,881
- Idaho Deaths and Burials, 1907—1965 31,253
- Idaho Marriages, 1878—1898/1903—1942 88,588
- Kansas Births and Christenings, 1818—1936 59,392
- Kansas Deaths and Burials, 1885—1930 39,907
- Kansas Marriages, 1840—1935 378,903
- Kentucky Births and Christenings, 1839—1960 547,119
- Kentucky Deaths and Burials, 1843—1970 1,971,681
- Kentucky Marriages, 1785—1979 1,532,718
- Louisiana Births, Christenings, 1811—1830; 1854—1934 16,890
- Louisiana Marriages, 1816—1906 129,641
- Maine Births and Christenings, 1739—1900 940,882
- Maine Deaths and Burials, 1841—1910 172,879
- Maine Marriages, 1771—1907 597,508
- Maryland Births and Christenings, 1650—1995 206,288
- Maryland Deaths and Burials, 1877—1992 11,686
- Maryland Marriages, 1666—1970 253,727
- Montana Marriages, 1889—1947 197,930
- New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726—1918 435,411
- New Mexico Deaths, 1788—1798; 1838—1955 9,627
- New Mexico Marriages, 1751—1918 93,387
- New York Births and Christenings, 1640—1962 1,351,166
- New York Deaths and Burials, 1795—1952 701,396
- New York Marriages, 1686—1980 859,927
- North Carolina Births and Christenings, 1866—1964 156,156
- North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898—1994 2,742,609
- North Carolina Marriages, 1759—1979 2,128,391
- Ohio Deaths and Burials, 1854—1997 2,535,557
- Oregon Births and Christenings, 1868—1929 70,253
- Oregon Deaths and Burials, 1903—1947 29,035
- Oregon Marriages, 1853—1935 57,523
- South Dakota State Census+1921, 1935 673,322
- Tennessee County Marriages, 1790—1950 10,145
- Utah Births and Christenings, 1892—1941 48,049
- Utah Deaths, 1888—1946 148,933
- Utah Marriages, 1887—1966 308,854
- Vermont Births and Christenings, 1765—1908 402,329
- Vermont Deaths, 1871—1965 235,415
- Vermont Marriages, 1791—1974 185,433
- Virginia Deaths and Burials, 1853—1912 785,241
- West Virginia Births and Christenings, 1853—1928 544,589
- West Virginia Deaths and Burials, 1854—1932 56,688
- West Virginia Marriages, 1854—1932 203,378
- Wyoming Marriages, 1877—1920 14,070
World Misc Births, 1534—1983 616,742
World Misc Deaths, 1767—1950 15269
World Misc Marriages, 1662—1945 28668

I will have some additional details including some new FamilySearch links in my next Finding Your Roots syndicated genealogy column.